Kristi Koford
Ghost Block Winemaker
In the year 2001, Kristi embarked on a journey with Napa Wine Company, bringing her wealth of technical and practical winemaking experience to the forefront. Adding a touch of humor, she often notes that her early background in behavioral studies also plays a role in her endeavors. Her primary focus revolves around collaborating closely with clients, ensuring that their wines are crafted with meticulous attention to detail and precision. Emphasizing the importance of comprehending and executing the unique goals of each client, Kristi attests, “We make every effort to understand and implement our clients’ goals.” Amidst the diverse personalities and numerous moving parts, Kristi thrives on the exhilarating complexity inherent in her role. She expresses, “I derive immense satisfaction from conquering challenging tasks; it aligns perfectly with what I find most fulfilling.”
Furthermore, as the esteemed winemaker of Ghost Block Wines, Kristi consistently surpasses expectations, showcasing a prowess that exceeds conventional boundaries in crafting exceptional wines. Her innovative approach and dedication to excellence contribute significantly to the acclaim and admiration she garners, setting a standard that resonates with those who appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship behind Ghost Block Wines.
Ghost Block Wines